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Workers inside unit tests

You may wish to include your RQ tasks inside unit tests. However, many frameworks (such as Django) use in-memory databases, which do not play nicely with the default fork() behaviour of RQ.

Therefore, you must use the SimpleWorker class to avoid fork();

from redis import Redis
from rq import SimpleWorker, Queue

queue = Queue(connection=Redis())
worker = SimpleWorker([queue], connection=queue.connection)  # Runs enqueued job
# Check for result...

Testing on Windows

If you are testing on a Windows machine you can use the approach above, but with a slight tweak. You will need to subclass SimpleWorker to override the default timeout mechanism of the worker. Reason: Windows OS does not implement some underlying signals utilized by the default SimpleWorker.

To subclass SimpleWorker for Windows you can do the following:

from rq import SimpleWorker
from rq.timeouts import TimerDeathPenalty

class WindowsSimpleWorker(SimpleWorker):
    death_penalty_class = TimerDeathPenalty

Now you can use WindowsSimpleWorker for running tasks on Windows.

Running Jobs in unit tests

Another solution for testing purposes is to use the is_async=False queue parameter, that instructs it to instantly perform the job in the same thread instead of dispatching it to the workers. Workers are not required anymore. Additionally, we can use fake redis to mock a redis instance, so we don’t have to run a redis server separately. The instance of the fake redis server can be directly passed as the connection argument to the queue:

from fakeredis import FakeStrictRedis
from rq import Queue

queue = Queue(is_async=False, connection=FakeStrictRedis())
job = queue.enqueue(my_long_running_job)
assert job.is_finished